HIE appoints new energy director

Authorities & Government

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has named Audrey MacIver as its new director of energy and low carbon.

MacIver is succeeding Calum Davidson who retired in November last year after 31 years with HIE, taking over lead responsibility for the agency’s contribution to the growth in the energy and low carbon sector.

MacIver’s work will cover oil and gas sector, including decommissioning, renewables and the low carbon economy.

Since joining HIE in 1993, MacIver held posts in economics, community development, and tourism, but for almost a decade now has concentrated on energy, HIE said.

Audrey MacIver said: “We are entering a new era of energy policy, with HIE and the region at the heart of it.

“There will be significant opportunities for our businesses and communities across the Highlands and Islands to secure direct benefits from the energy and low carbon sector, particularly in emerging areas of marine energy and oil and gas decommissioning, and in responding to increasing opportunities arising from greater energy efficiency and more flexible supply.”

HIE is Scottish government’s economic and community development agency for the north and west of Scotland.