Massachusetts tidal test site in line to go online

Authorities & Government

The Bourne Tidal Test Site (BTTS), located in Cape Cod Canal, has been allocated a grant that will enable the connection of the site to the power grid.

Bourne Tidal Test Site (Photo: MRECo)

Namely, the organization in charge of test site development – Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative (MRECo) – has been included in the Massachusetts Economic Development Bill to receive at least $205,000 to put the BTTS online.

Once the funds are approved and released by the Governor’s office, along with the approved permits, the work to wire the BTTS structure to shore and enable turbines and devices to receive shore power, and to produce power to the grid, will be conducted, MRECo said.

Currently, MRECo is in the process of preparing the draft pilot license application which is required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in order to obtain interconnection to the grid.

To remind, BTTS was installed in November 2017. The site is suitable for testing of tidal energy components or turbines of up to 3 meters in diameter with maximum output of 100kW.