MORE-EST Platform data visualization (Courtesy of MOREnergy Lab)

MOREnergy Lab launches open access tool for offshore renewable energy

Outlook & Strategy

Marine Offshore Renewable Energy Lab (MOREnergy), from Politecnico di Torino, has launched its new open access web platform, featuring wind and wave energy data for offshore renewable energy projects in Europe.

MORE-EST Platform data visualization (Courtesy of MOREnergy Lab)
MORE-EST Platform data visualization (Courtesy of MOREnergy Lab)
MORE-EST Platform data visualization (Courtesy of MOREnergy Lab)

The platform, dubbed MORE-EST, gives users access to wave and wind energy resources in any location in European seas and oceans, as well as some maritime spatial planning information and examples of productivity evaluation.

It has been designed to support maritime stakeholders in the exploitation of wave and wind energy resources, offering wave data for the period 2010 to 2019, as well as the power matrix of different wave energy converters.

The user are said to be able to identify the best location for the wave energy assessment and obtain the time series of the main synthetic parameters in addition to several statistical analyses.

For the European seas, different constraints are shown, such as military areas, installed offshore structures, protected locations and the main vessel route, MOREnergy Lab noted.

Once the site is chosen, the user can evaluate the energy produced by different wave energy converters, with the monthly and yearly variability provided, as well as the ability to compute most energetic wave directions.

“Future developments aim to provide the energy produced by a farm of wave energy converters, considering the bathymetric depth, the distance from the coast and the wave energy resource. This additional tool is helpful for energy planning and evaluation policy makers,” MOREnergy Lab said.

The platform can be used the energy transition and decarbonization efforts in Europe, but the future tools might be expanded to feature data on the entire globe, according to developers said, which added they plan to include the technoeconomic analyses and productivity assessments of wave energy arrays and offshore wind farms as well.

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