Norway: Solstad Offshore Focuses on Climate Neutral Vessels

Business & Finance


As part of its environmental program, Solstad Offshore has long focused on innovative environmental solutions for its clients through”Solstad Green Operations”. Since the autumn of 2010, the company has offered its clients the opportunity to operate the company’s vessels on a climate neutral basis.

During the spring of 2011, Solstad Offshore signed a charter party for the anchor-handling vessel, Normand Mjolne. Solstad and the charterers have now agreed to operate this vessel on a climate neutral basis, following the guidelines in”Climate Neutral Network” issued by the United Nations.

The documented cost-savings achieved by ”Solstad Green Operations” are used to buy UN approved carbon offsets for the remaining emissions.

Solstad Offshore ASA has therefore achieved its goal of signing an agreement for the operation of a climate-neutral vessel and hopes more of its clients will choose this alternative.

Managing Director of Solstad Offshore, Lars Peder Solstad, commented that he is delighted with this contract.

-It demonstrates that, not only can we offer climate-neutral vessels on competitive terms, but that our environmental solution is not dependent on the age, design or specification of the vessel.

Solstad stresses that this type of contract does not provide more revenue for the company, but should be viewed in terms of trying to improve the environment. He goes on to say that the company is currently in contact with a number of its other clients who are considering to do the same.

Normand Mjolne was built in 1985 and provides supply and contingency services in the North Sea. The duration of the contract is until December 2012.


Source: Solstad Offshore, May 26, 2011.