Paris-based firm buys iXblue

Business & Finance

Paris-headquartered Groupe Gorgé has completed the acquisition of iXblue, bringing it under the same roof as ECA Group.


According to iXblue, the two companies will benefit from a global workforce of 1,500 persons and will achieve an annual turnover of €250 million.

“In addition to our complementary activities, both our companies share a common DNA centered around innovation and entrepreneurship,” said Fabien Napolitano, president and CEO of iXblue.

“This acquisition by Groupe Gorgé, that puts iXblue and ECA Group under the same roof, will enable us to create new synergies and strengthen our capacity to invest in research and development to offer solutions that are always at the cutting edge of technology.”

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In March, iXblue announced it is ramping up its production of DriX uncrewed surface vehicles (USV) to “meet the growing industry need for sea-proven autonomous platforms”.

According to the company, the strong increase in order intake has led to reviewing the whole industrialization process for series production.

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