PGS GeoStreamer GS Introduces New Era of Ghost-Free Broadband Seismic Data (Norway)

Business & Finance

The PGS GeoStreamer GS (TM) introduces a new era of ghost-free, broadband seismic data.

Seismic data without the source- and receiver sea surface reflections (ghosts) produce subsurface seismic images of unprecedented quality and represent removal of some of the most significant noise components that the marine seismic industry have struggled with since its beginning in the 1960’s.

Four years ago PGS solved a 40-year old industry problem by eliminating the receiver ghost with dual sensor recording through its unique GeoStreamer. This results in seismic data with considerably broader bandwidth due to the removal of the receiver ghost.

Furthermore, the dual sensor GeoStreamer enables towing at any depth without compromising low- or high frequencies, as experienced by conventional streamer technology. As the GeoStreamer is routinely towed between 15 and 25 m depth, a significant increase in operational efficiency together with a strong reduction in surface induced noise, further adds to its unique advantages.

However, the sea surface reflection on the source side still remains and represents a limiting factor in revealing the true earth response.

At the EAGE conference in Vienna , PGS announces its latest development, the GeoSteamer GS . This is an acquisition based solution that enables the removal of both the source and receiver ghosts thus revealing the true earth response, which for long has been the ultimate goal of any seismic experiment.

The GeoStreamer GS technology will be introduced this year, and is expected to be available in 3D in most regions of the world by 2012. GeoStreamer GS delivers better seismic data and more efficient operations through removal of the sea-surface reflections on both the source and receiver side.

GeoStreamer delivers better seismic data and more efficient operations. The ghost-free, broadband technology goes hand in hand with deep towed operational advantages. Operational and geophysical evidence from 2D and 3D projects around the world reliably demonstrate that GeoStreamer is always better. GeoStreamer GS takes a further step ahead,” commented Jon Erik Reinhardsen, CEO of Petroleum Geo-Services. He continues:

The GeoStreamer has been remarkably successful in leading the industry into commercially practical broadband seismic. The next step was to develop our technology for removing the source ghost in a similarly effective way. With GeoStreamer GS we are launching a robust, fully ghost free acquisition solution. We will be rolling it out progressively across our GeoStreamer fleet.”

Source: PGS,May 24, 2011;