Port of Garston to Get New Bulk Terminal

Business & Finance

UK’s largest port operator Associated British Ports (ABP) has set aside GBP 2.2 million (USD 3.4m) for the construction of a new bulk terminal at the Port of Garston. 

With the port’s current stores at capacity, the construction of the new facility will provide an additional 3,950 square metres worth of storage for bulk commodities such as wheat, rice, fertiliser and organic feed.

The terminal also has solar panels to provide a clean energy generating capacity of 200kw. The solar array is linked to the network powering the port estate, providing sustainable energy for customers and cutting the port’s carbon footprint.

Andrew Harston, ABP Director Short Sea Ports, said: ”Our investment at Garston is yet another example of ABP’s ongoing strategy to add state-of-the-art bulk stores across our ports in order to better serve our customers. ABP has built new stores in Ayr, Ipswich and now Garston and Teignmouth. We are investing GBP 6 million to provide additional facilities to our short sea customers by the end of 2015, and it re-affirms our commitment to keep Britain trading.”

The warehouse is being constructed by 3b Construction Ltd and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

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