PRIMaRE offers marine energy research assistance

Business & Finance

The Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE) has launched a call for funding applications meant for those seeking to expand their knowledge in marine renewable energy sector.

Illustration/COAST Lab at the University of Plymouth (Photo: PRIMaRE)

A consortium of marine renewable energy experts across higher education, research and industry which have joined together to establish a ‘network of excellence’ centered in the south of the UK – PRIMaRE – is looking for applications for which the funding was divided across four categories.

The categories – PRIMaRE Short Research Visits (SRVs); PRIMaRE ECR-Travel Grant (ECR-TG); Overseas Collaborators to Visit PRIMaRE Partners (OCVP); and PRIMaRE Partners to Visit Overseas Collaborators (PVOC) – sponsor research and conference visits, and international collaboration and promotion of marine renewables.

According to PRIMaRE, the deadline for SRVs and ECR-TG applications has been set for June 29, 2018, while for the other call categories the due date was not specified.

The call was made possible through the network grant PRIMaRE received from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in 2017 to enhance its work through events, workshops and a summer school for those seeking to expand their knowledge in the MRE sector.

PRIMaRE consortium is made up of the Universities of Plymouth, Exeter, Southampton, Bristol and Bath, along with the Marine Biological Association of the UK and Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

Completing the line-up of PRIMaRE is the South West Marine Energy Park (SW MEP) and the Wave Hub facility off the north coast of Cornwall that act as links between the research community and industry.