Safe Concordia

Prosafe firms up Gulf of Mexico gig

Project & Tenders

Following a letter of award in September 2022, offshore accommodation provider Prosafe has firmed up a deal for the provision of one of its units in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

Safe Concordia; Source: Prosafe

Last month, Prosafe was issued a letter of award to provide accommodation and construction support using the Safe Concordia in the Gulf of Mexico. This was subject to a final contract.

In an update on Thursday, Prosafe said it had signed the contract with a major operator to provide accommodation services using the Safe Concordia. The firm duration of the contract, starting within a window of July through October, is 330 days with up to 6 months of options. The value of the contract firm duration is approximately $33 million.

The unit was expected to complete its contract with BP in Trinidad in September after BP had exercised all the options for its use back in July 2022.

Safe Concordia is a DP2 semi-submersible ASV with 389 (461 with ALQ) beds for worldwide operations excluding Norway. The vessel was constructed at Keppel FELS shipyard in Singapore and delivered in March 2005. An upgrade was completed in July 2015.