Resen Waves, Ulstein Belga Marine team up for smart power buoys

Business Developments & Projects

Danish wave power company Resen Waves has signed a partnership agreement with Ulstein Belga Marine to deliver smart power buoys to the Brazilian offshore energy industry.

Resen Waves' Smart Power Buoy (Courtesy of Resen Waves)
Resen Waves' Smart Power Buoy (Courtesy of Resen Waves)
Resen Waves’ Smart Power Buoy (Courtesy of Resen Waves)

The Resen Waves Smart Power Buoy is a floating mechanical device utilizing the wave movement to activate a generator and produce electric power, which turns the center drum back and forth with the wave action.

The buoy can power a battery pack or docking station on the seabed through the mooring line. This power can then be fed to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) or other instrumentation in the sea.

At the same time, the buoy can log data from connected instruments and transmit this in real-time through a fiber optic connection to onshore facilities using satellite, 3G or 4G connections.

The technology can be applied to many different markets, from oil and gas to carbon capture storage (CCS), desalination to monitoring the life in our oceans.

By deploying the buoy as the power and data communication source for an AUV, companies can cut survey times by up to 70% and reduce operational costs by over 40% at the same time, according to Ulstein Belga Marine, which has been providing navigation, communication and naval automation solutions to the Brazilian marine and offshore market since 1987.

Alexandre de Carvalho, sales & business development manager at Ulstein Belga Marine, said: “Ocean wave energy is not a very explored field in Brazil but considering the size of the Brazilian coastline and its maritime area, the potential for generating ocean wave energy here is undeniable.

With this new partnership, Ulstein Belga Marine helps to bring yet another sustainable solution to the market and to the energy transition, which is already happening in Brazil. As for the oil and gas industry, the benefits of the technology provided by Resen Waves are numerous and will surely innovate offshore operations”.

Not only can the Smart Power Buoy play a key role in helping companies move towards net-zero emission goals, but it also increases the efficiencies of company operations, while safeguarding the employees, Ulstein Belga Marine said.