Schlumberger Unveils IsoMetrix Marine Seismic Technology

Business & Finance

Schlumberger Unveils IsoMetrix Marine Seismic Technology

Schlumberger today announces the launch of IsoMetrix marine isometric seismic technology and the IsoMetrix family of marine seismic products. This breakthrough technology outputs isometrically sampled point-receiver data in both crossline and inline directions—capturing the returning wavefield in three dimensions and providing the most accurate images of the subsurface ever recorded.

The IsoMetrix system uses calibrated, multisensor MEMS technology that forms part of the new WesternGeco Nessie-6 point-receiver seismic streamer. The sensors measure acoustic pressure as well as vertical and crossline acceleration throughout the frequency range, and these measurements are provided as customer deliverables.

“Through an extensive 10-year research and engineering program, we have developed a new category of seismic that not only includes the acquisition technology, but also the algorithms and workflows needed to manage such an unprecedented amount of data,” said Carel Hooykaas, president, WesternGeco. “The step change in imaging is as profound as was the move from X-rays to full 3D scans in the world of medicine.”

IsoMetrix technology enables efficient exploration, high-resolution near-surface characterization, well integrity planning and unmatched 4D repeatability. The technology is compatible with other WesternGeco services such as the Coil Shooting and Dual Coil Shooting acquisition techniques. Field trials last year proved the technology’s high accuracy, achieving a 12:1 crossline reconstruction ratio and producing a 6.25-m data grid from streamers 75 m apart.

A new range of applications is now being developed based on IsoMetrix technology to address currently intractable exploration and development challenges while simultaneously improving productivity.

Source: Schlumberger, June 5, 2012