Scissor table platform uplifts Boldrewood marine energy camp

Business & Finance

Bristol-based engineering company Blackfish has completed the installation of a lifting platform for the University of Southampton’s Boldrewood marine energy test facility.

Boldrewood wave facility with installed lifting platform (Photo: Blackfish)

The scissor table design can lift 500 kilograms and provide a platform for tethering test models, including marine energy devices and vessels.

The installation of the 2.6-tonnes galvanized platform was completed in under 5 hours from delivery time, and then re-positioned 120 meters down the other end of the tank, Blackfish said.

With the depth of 3.5 meters and width of 6 meters, the Boldrewood towing and wave tank is also equipped with wave maker, making it a versatile facility for testing of all types of marine equipment, Blackfish noted.

In addition to exploring marine renewables, the 138-meter-long towing tank will be used for investigations into the power requirements of high speed vessels, assessment of safe limits in extreme waves, and examination of the fluid-structure interaction of moorings for offshore structures and studies, according to the University of Southampton