SeaBird Exploration stays in the Eastern hemisphere

Project & Tenders

Provider of seismic acquisition and source vessel services SeaBird Exploration has secured a contract to continue working in the Eastern hemisphere.

Eagle Explorer. Source: SeaBird Exploration

Under the award, SeaBird Exploration will deliver ocean bottom node (OBN) source services using its vessel Eagle Explorer in the Eastern hemisphere.

The contract will commence in June in direct continuation of the completion of the current 2D project.

The duration is expected to be around two months including mobilization.

Eagle Explorer was built in 2009 and joined SeaBird’s fleet in 2018. The vessel can operate as either a 3D, 2D, or source vessel.

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In July 2022, SeaBird Exploration received a letter of award for a 2D campaign in the Eastern Hemisphere with a duration of approximately nine months. The company then at the beginning of this year secured an extension to the 2D campaign.