TGS and CGG team up for survey job in North Sea

Business Developments & Projects

TGS and CGG have secured a contract to carry out the acquisition and imaging of a dense ocean bottom node (OBN) multi-client seismic survey in the Sleipner area of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).  

Illustration (Courtesy of TGS)
Illustration (Courtesy of TGS)

According to TGS, the project is slated to start in June 2023 and the final processed deliverables are expected to be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2024.  

TGS, a company already involved in managing many complex OBN acquisition programs in the North Sea and elsewhere, will perform the acquisition phase.  

CGG, the OBN imaging specialist, will use its proprietary processing and imaging technology, including time-lag full-waveform inversion, to create a high-quality 3D volume that is expected to enhance the resolution and structural definition of the complex geology and reservoirs in the region.  

Located south of the Utsira OBN in the North Sea, the Sleipner survey will encompass an additional 1,201 square kilometers area under receivers (AUR) to expand the adjacent multi-client OBN coverage in the region to 3,278 square kilometers AUR.  

Spreading over a mature part of the North Sea that includes Sleipner East, Sleipner West, Gina Krog, Volve and Utgard fields, the survey area will also stretch out to surrounding infrastructure-led exploration (ILX) areas for potential tiebacks to existing infrastructure.  

Sophie Zurquiyah, chief executive officer at CGG, said: “Our geoscientists will apply their regional insight and our very latest OBN technologies and expertise to deliver the highest-quality images to meet industry needs for the continued exploration and development of the NCS.” 

To remind, CGG signed contract with Carbon Transition’s subsidiary Axxis Multi Client to reprocess the Utsira ocean bottom node (OBN) seismic survey in the Norwegian North Sea.

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