Tidal Sails scores over €900K for tidal demonstrator

Authorities & Government

Norwegian tidal energy developer Tidal Sails has secured government funding to support the demonstration of a 4.4MW full-scale tidal energy device.

Illustration/Scaled TackReach prototype (Photo: Tidal Sails)

The grant funding in the amount of €920,000 (NOK 8.9 million) was provided by Norwegian government’s instrument for innovation and development of the country’s enterprises and industry – Innovation Norway.

The grant will assist ‘pre-project’ activities, led by MTS, which include fine tuning of Tidal Sails’ Self Adjustable & Variable Pitch Sail Control System to maximize the energy output from the currents within the structural integrity of the ropeway system, according to the company’s chief information officer, Erik Hynne.

Preparatory steps for the consortium, including verification of quotes and previous findings are also in progress, Tidal Sails informed.

The ‘pre-project’ is expected to be finalized this summer, Hynne added.

It will support the demonstration of the device, planned to take place next year, at the consented site in Kvalsund in Norway.

To remind, the permit for the full-scale pilot demonstration was granted to Tidal Sails by the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) back in March 2017.

The 4.4MW pilot plant will feature Tidal Sails’ TackReach technology, which is a two-station solution that operates with sails going back and forth – one sail leg is reaching with the current, and the other is tacking up against the current.