U.S. DOE to open Hydrogen Shot incubator prize

U.S. DOE to open Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize

Business & Finance

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the opening of the 2.6 million prize that help meet the DOE Hydrogen Shot goal of $1 per kilogram of clean hydrogen.

On 6 June, the department said it is opening the Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize to foster innovative concepts that produce clean, affordable hydrogen and address the Biden Administration’s climate priorities. The $2.6 million prize will support the DOE Hydrogen Program’s efforts to identify, develop, and test disruptive technologies that reduce the cost of clean hydrogen production and meet the DOE Hydrogen Shot goal.  

“For hydrogen to fulfill its role in the sustainable and fully decarbonized economy of the future, we must harness every available approach and draw deep on our proud tradition of innovation to bring solutions to the market as soon as possible,” said Kelly Speakes-Backman, principal deputy assistant secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy. “The Hydrogen Shot Incubator Prize is important for spurring innovation in clean energy.” 

The prize also seeks to attract new talent and expertise to the hydrogen industry and identify new entities DOE can engage with to accelerate hydrogen technologies. Competitors are invited to present pre-commercial concepts or strategies that DOE is not currently funding through other programs or initiatives. 

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The prize supports DOE’s Energy Earthshots Initiative to enable more affordable, and reliable clean energy solutions within the decade. The first Energy Earthshot, the Hydrogen Shot, was launched in 2021.