VIDEO: CPM’s Deployment of Tidal Generator in Cobscook Bay

Business & Finance

VIDEO: CPM's Deployment of Tidal Generator in Cobscook Bay

In 2012, CPM Constructors was the contractor on an innovative clean energy project in Eastport, Maine. CPM constructed and deployed the first licensed, grid connected tidal generator in the United States.

CPM began assembly of the 46.5-ton bottom support frame for ORPC’s TidGen™ Power System in February 2012. The following month, CPM installed the frame on the ocean floor and drove ten piles to secure it at a depth of 90 feet below low water.

Starting in June 2012, CPM erected the 41.5-ton TidGen™ turbine generator unit (TGU) at the company’s facility in Eastport, Maine, and laid 4,000 feet of bundled underwater power and data cables beneath the ocean floor to connect the TidGen™ Power System to ORPC’s on-shore station.

On August 14, CPM joined the TidGen™ TGU to the already-installed bottom support frame in Cobscook Bay, and within a month, the system was sending power to the grid.

View on Vimeo.


March 25, 2013; Image: CPM