VIDEO: McDermott stacking BP’s Angelin platform

Project & Tenders

U.S. engineering and construction company McDermott has launched a video showing the stacking of the Angelin platform at its facility in Altamira, Mexico.

McDermott’s time-lapse video shared on Wednesday shows the final stage of the four-deck Angelin platform stacking for BP.

The British oil major announced the completion of the stacking operations in early November 2017.

The contract for the construction of the 992-ton (900 metric ton) four-legged main pile jacket and 1,323-ton (1,200 metric ton) four-deck topside for the Angelin project was awarded to McDermott in June 2017.

All of the construction work is being done at McDermott’s Altamira facility while the platform and pipeline will be installed by McDermott’s DLV 2000 vessel.

BP’s subsidiary, BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC, sanctioned the development the Angelin offshore gas project, located 60 kilometers off the south-east coast of Trinidad, only days before awarding the construction deal to McDermott. The project includes the construction of a new platform – bpTT’s 15th offshore production facility.

The development will include four wells and will have a production capacity of approximately 600 million standard cubic feet of gas a day (mmscfd). Gas from Angelin will flow to the Serrette platform hub via a new 21-kilometer pipeline.

Angelin was originally discovered by the El Diablo well in 1995 and appraised by the La Novia well in 2006.

BP plans to start drilling in 3Q 2018, and first gas from the Angelin facility is expected in 1Q 2019. BPTT is 70 percent owned by BP and 30 percent by Repsol.

Offshore Energy Today Staff