Vroon Orders PSV Duo in China

Business & Finance

Vroon Orders PSV Duo in China

Dutch owner of offshore support vessels, Vroon, last week ordered two new platform supply vessels (PSV) at Fujian Southeast Shipyard in China, with an option for two additional vessels.

The company last Wednesday announced it had placed the order for the two 78-metre PSVs (KCM design), without revealing  financial details. The vessels are expected to be delivered   during 2015 and will be operated by Vroon Offshore Services.

“We look forward to this continued cooperation with Fujian Southeast Shipyard, where we currently have four emergency response and rescue vessels and two subsea-support vessels on order,” said the company in a press release.

This is the second PSV order Vroon has made in China in a little more than a month. To remind, the Dutch company on January 28, ordered the two newbuilding PSVs of Ulstein’s PX121 design from COSCO Guandong shipyard.

According to shipfinance.dk, most of the ships today are built in the Far East where China and South Korea hold the top positions among shipbuilding nations due to the proportion of labour costs in the overall building process.

The more labour-intensive a production process is, the more important it is to have low payroll and other associated costs, Danish Ship Finance says. In this regard, countries in the Far East have enjoyed a competitive advantage over its counterparts in the western world for a large number of years.


Offshore Energy Today Staff, March 18, 2013