Wave Power Generator Gets James Dyson Award (UK)

Business & Finance

Wave Power Generator Gets James Dyson Award

The UK winner of the James Dyson Award is Renewable Wave Power generator developed by Sam Etherington, Brunel University, writes BBC.

It is a wave power generator that can harvest energy no matter which way the sea is running.

Inspiration for this came from when Etherington was kite surfing off the west coast of Cumbria, where waves do not often have predictable patterns.

Etherington has won £2,000 and progresses to the next stage of the competition. The money will be used to build a bigger prototype and to conduct more tests on this device.

In the international final, Etherington will have a chance to win £30,000 for its wave power generator.

September 16, 2013; Image: jamesdysonaward