Yanmar delivers its first maritime hydrogen fuel cell system

Business Developments & Projects

Japan’s Yanmar Power Technology (YPT), a subsidiary of Yanmar Holdings, has made the first delivery of its newly commercialized maritime hydrogen fuel cell system.

Courtesy of Yanmar

According to Yanmar, it was supplied to the passenger ship HANARIA, operated by MOTENA-Sea, a company backed by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and other investors.

The HANARIA is said to be Japan’s first hybrid passenger ship to use both hydrogen and biodiesel, representing a significant breakthrough in achieving carbon neutrality.

Yanmar said the vessel operates with an onboard electric propulsion system that powers the ship’s drive using generated electricity, noting that YPT took charge of the vessel’s comprehensive power system design, incorporating two hydrogen fuel cells, batteries, biodiesel generators, a power management system, propulsion equipment, remote monitoring and other elements.

When running solely on the hydrogen fuel cell system and batteries, the ship creates zero emissions, with reductions in power source vibrations and noise and the elimination of exhaust gas odors, contributing towards a pleasant onboard environment, Yanmar added.

Courtesy of MOTENA-Sea

To remind, YPT introduced its maritime hydrogen fuel cell system in August 2023. The company revealed the plan to propose the installation of the system into various ships, including passenger ships, work ships and cargo ships operating in coastal areas where hydrogen refuelling is relatively accessible.

As part of the Yanmar Group’s commitment to its ‘Green Challenge 2050’ initiative, the company said it aims to realize a sustainable society while addressing GHG reduction and minimizing environmental impact.