ADBP Present at Ports and Terminal Technology Conference

Business & Finance

ADBP Present at Ports and Terminal Technology Conference

Anthony D Bates Partnership LLP (ADBP) specialise in harbour engineering, dredging and dredging related activities.

As part of their extensive dredging experience a relatively common theme has repeated itself many times to the detriment of Port’s and Harbour’s. This being the lack of awareness of the fiscal value of the navigational assets within the port/harbour’s jurisdiction and the processes that can be implemented to both maintain and optimise these assets. These processes can improve the value for money being obtained from the maintenance of these assets and ultimately reduce their overall annual cost to the Port/Harbour. To convey this ADBP are making a presentation at the 9th International Conference on Ports and Terminal Technology being held in Amsterdam on the 27th November 2013.

This presentation investigates the following aspects with regard to maximising cargos and the cost benefits associated with each:

1) Review of current and future vessel size in relation to berth pocket design and channel definition to maximise cargoes. There have been significant changes in vessel design over the years but very rarely is a review carried out to see if the existing subsea facility actually corresponds to the specific parameters of the port’s trade vessels. Undertaking a review process can potentially elongate the durations between dredging campaigns, reducing maintenance costs while not impacting on safety.

2) Regular, accurate and reliable bathymetric survey information. The cost of hydrographic surveys is often seen as an unnecessary expense, yet the information gathered can easily pay significant dividends if used in an appropriate manner. The potential risk associated with safe navigation can also be minimised.

3) Forward prediction of dredging requirements and associated budget provision. By utilising reliable survey information, in the correct manner, accurate sedimentation rates can be generated and modelled to predict the optimum time for dredging. By establishing the volume of material to be removed a reliable budget estimate can be set 1, 2, 3 years in advance and potentially allow collaboration with other local projects to reduce costs.


Press Release, November 14, 2013