SEA ON LINE and TEAM ITALIA took advantage of the 2008 Monaco Yacht Show to announce their new partnership. The renowned Italian systems integrator now offers boat builders a chance to equip their pilothouses with Automatic Sea Vision, the ASV MR 360° system developed by SEA ON LINE—chosen for outstanding innovation and efficiency. In fact, ASV is increasingly emerging as the “must-have” solution for maximising surveillance at a time when the risks at sea can no longer be ignored.

At the Monaco Yacht Show held in late September 2008, SEA ON LINE and TEAM ITALIA unveiled the AUTOMATIC SEA VISION system built into the latest console developed by TEAM ITALIA.

By including this innovative solution in its offer, TEAM ITALIA brings the luxury yachting world an unrivalled level of security and safety. ASV has already been singled out by the profession for outstanding performance, winning the Trophée de l’Embarqué (Embedded Software Trophy) for onboard security and safety. Now that SEA ON LINE has partnered with TEAM ITALIA, one of Italy’s top systems integrators and electronic equipment vendors, the company is poised for accelerated growth in a booming market where security and safety issues have become a major concern.

Along with recognised high-risk navigation areas such as the China Sea and Somalia, other seaways previously considered safe are now also the scene of mounting insecurity, as was clearly demonstrated by the attack last August on a 55-metre sailboat off the Corsican coast. Optical monitoring and surveillance have become an essential means to maximise safety for yacht crews and passengers alike. In addition, ASV significantly enhances mariner comfort with a set of functionalities that automatically alert the crew to the approach of suspicious or dangerous parties.

It took five years of R&D to develop and patent this groundbreaking automatic onboard monitoring system. Composed of an image processing and automatic detection software suite coupled with optical sensors, AUTOMATIC SEA VISION addresses a range of maritime issues that includes collision risk, safety at high speed, coastal surveillance, shipwreck victim searches, prevention of attacks and offshore facilities security. Operational day and night, both at anchor and at sea, the system can detect any movement in a 360-degree angle at a distance of 2,000 metres or more. Reliability, innovation and security are the key features of this unparalleled solution—now included in offers by on of the world’s leading systems integrators.

About Sea On Line

It took SEA ON LINE SA five years of R&D to develop AUTOMATIC SEA VISION, a revolutionary system for automatic onboard optical monitoring of vessels and offshore infrastructure. Patented in 2004, ASV is the most effective means to automate surveillance and supplement monitoring by personnel, where lapses can jeopardise the safety of a vessel (collision risk). The system also protects vessels effectively against piracy and intrusion.