Iskes Towage & Salvage to Get NAUTIS OSV Simulators

Business & Finance

Iskes Towage & Salvage Orders NAUTIS OSV Simulators from VSTEP

Iskes Towage & Salvage today signed an agreement with VSTEP for the delivery of two NAUTIS Tug and Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) simulators. These simulators are the first units purchased for the new Iskes / Damen Training Centre, set up in the new office building of Iskes at the port entrance to the ports of the Amsterdam Northsea canal area, close to Schiphol Airport.

VSTEP will initially provide a 360-degree NAUTIS Full Mission Tug Simulator and a 240-degree NAUTIS Desktop Trainer to the Iskes/Damen Training Centre. At a later stage, these Tug and OSV simulators will be expanded with another 360-degree Full Mission Tug Simulator so that a complete exercise scenario with the assisted vessel and two tugs (one at the stern and one at the bow) can be conducted. The centre will initially be used for internal training, with courses offered for external parties starting 2nd quarter 2014.

Jim Iskes, owner of Iskes Towage & Salvage: “For a number of reasons we wanted a tug simulator. First to train new crew: we are confident that the simulator will decrease the time needed to train new masters and chief officers. But also – and very important – the simulator will provide us a tool to train emergency situations and to sail under difficult circumstances such as heavy winds and dense fog. VSTEP provides us with simulators that are easy to operate and have the best quality interaction effects between tugs and towed vessels that we saw.

Arie Jonas, Project Manager Training at Damen Services: “A full 360 degree simulator will provide Damen a sound capability to offer realistic crew training together with supplying a tug or OSV. The simulator will initially feature the specifics of a Damen 2810 and a Damen 3212 ASD tug, but also the popular Damen Fast Crew Supplier 2610 will be simulated.”

Iskes Towage & Salvage, November 5, 2013