Norway: Havyard Contracted for Construction of Smaragd’s New Trawler

Business & Finance

Havyard Contracted for Construction of Smaragd's New Trawler

Havyard Group has signed a contract with the shipping company Smaragd regarding the construction of their new purse seiner / trawler.

“New Smaragd” is going to be designed by Havyard`s design company in Fosnavåg, constructed at Havyard`s shipyard in Leirvik in Sogn, Norway and is due to be delivered to the Fosnavåg based shipping company in April 2015. The vessel will become Havyard`s newbuild no.121.


For local fishing boat owners it is a great pleasure whenever they get a new fishing vessel. It doesn`t happen every year and when it does, it must be done properly. Most of these shipping companies are family-owned and many of the shipowners are actively working fishermen. There is never a lack of involvement and competence when a new boat is being planned.

This will be our sixth boat and the third newbuild. We started the discussions and drew the first few lines together with Havyard as far back as 2009″, says Petter Geir Smådal, the captain and one of the Smaragd owners.

Planning a new boat is an exciting process while also being a big decision to make for a shipping company like ours. We put great emphasis on getting a modern vessel and creating a good and secure working place for our crew. We have therefore not been in any rush and we have thought well through both the greater lines and the finer details before deciding to construct ‘New Smaragd’. Together with Havyard we have developed what we obviously feel is our best fishing boat so far”, says Smådal.


The shipping company has all along been firm in wanting a built-in seine bin. This improves working conditions for the crew and this arrangement will simplify seine handling in bad weather conditions. Another wish is to reduce the amount of light shining out from the boat at night during tossing of the seine.

The shipping company has also chosen to close the shelter deck, another feature that will contribute towards improved working conditions for crew, as well as simplifying cleaning of the vessel.

In addition to being able to pump fish from the seine amidships, the vessel is going to be fitted out for pumping from the stern so that the trawl net can be kept at stern.

When pumping both from seine and trawl the systems are fitted out for gentle handling of the fish.

Fish tanks are shaped for good circulation of cold water in order for the fish to be cooled down efficiently.

Tanks are developed to suit simple cleaning via the aid of automatic tank washing machines.

In terms of possible research missions the vessel is also prepared for installation of a centreboard, and will be fitted out with extra laboratory and cabin facilities.

Accommodation is of a very high quality and will be attractive and popular for the crew.

The hull has been tested in the model tank in Trondheim during last winter. Test results are excellent and will be further developed with an optimization of the vessel`s fuel economy in mind.

The propulsion solution has been chosen including a two-step gear where it is possible to adapt propeller RPM in relation to the need for power and type of operations. This will secure a healthy fuel economy and low installation- and maintenance costs.

The environmental aspect is also carefully considered through installations of equipment for waste gas cleansing from propulsion engine. Efficient heat recovery from the diesel engines and extensive use of water-based heating will further lead to a positive contribution towards fuel economy and environment.


The current ‘Smaragd’ was delivered in the summer of 1999 and has served the shipping company excellently ever since. It is maintained well and it does good fishing, so why construct a new one?

Firstly it is always nice to get a new boat”, says Petter Geir Smådal and smiles. He is also the Chairman of Aalesund Shipping Association and he is an active participant in the debate regarding Norwegian fisheries politics.

Havyard Contracted for Construction of Smaragd's New Trawler2

But it is also important to move with the times we live in. If Norwegian fishing boat owners didn`t renew and focus on efficiency improvements, increased safety and economy, the Norwegian fishing industry could not possibly exist in the high-cost country of Norway. To improve profitability within operations we must be able do to fishing efficiently. And to keep hold of the best crew we must offer them a secure and comfortable working place. Technology is constantly developing and therefore we think it is right to renew ourselves now to draw out the benefits from this technology. I am sure we could have continued fishing with our current boat for many years but we are thinking long-term and we then need a good and modern vessel.

We can do very little with the size of the fishing quotas we are given. As a result it is important we operate as efficiently as possible, but equally important that the quality of what we deliver is top-notch. Buyers are getting more particular and if we want a good price for the fish we deliver, we need a vessel and systems that take good care of the fish and that we secure the quality throughout the whole process from catching the fish to delivery”, says Smådal.


When we started discussing the fishing vessel design with Havyard, we soon realized that we were dealing with clever, professional people who understood exactly what we wanted”, Petter Geir Smådal continues. We have worked really closely with the designers and the shipbuilders at Havyard, and with our competence within fishing and with Havyard`s competence in terms of shipbuilding technology, we have developed a great vessel that will serve us superbly over the years. We are getting exactly the boat that we wish for, so we couldn`t possibly ask for more, could we?,” Smådal asks and smiles.

It has been a long, but very exciting process being part of developing «New Smaragd» together with the shipping company”, says Kjetil Myren, Senior Designer at Havyard.

The «Smaragd» owners have been really good to involve the crew in developing this vessel and such a process is essential for the end product. The commitment and interest have been big and that is exactly what we want at Havyard; a close cooperation with a demanding customer in order to develop a vessel adapted to the customer`s exact needs”, Myren concludes.


After considering several design companies and shipyards both in Norway and abroad, the ‘Smaragd’ shipowners finally decided on Havyard and construction in Norway.

” I must admit it was especially pleasing that we were able to choose a local designer and a Norwegian shipyard when constructing a new fishing vessel”, says Petter Geir Smådal.

We do of course register many of the shipping companies near us going abroad when constructing new vessels. And we also spent time and carefully considered offers from shipyards in several countries before deciding. Naturally, there is a price difference compared to a potential construction in Turkey, but looking at the long-term financial aspect with costs of following up the construction, and also considering quality, operational costs and second-hand value, Havyard has by far the best offer. We are absolutely sure that we will be getting a boat that both the crew and we will be very pleased about, a vessel that will also secure future profitability. And should there be anything we are not happy about, we know where the responsible people live”, Smådal concludes with a little smile.


It is extremely pleasing to be able to design and construct ‘New Smaragd'”, says CEO Geir Johan Bakke of Havyard Group.

“We are really all fishermen in Herøy and this is the type of stuff we find exciting. Short-term it may not be the most profitable return for us to construct fishing boats, but we are also looking to have a good time, Bakke smiles and says.

“Long-term though, I am sure that this will pay off as a good investment. We will learn a lot from constructing ‘New Smaragd’ and that process will surely be useful when we construct offshore vessels. Much of the technology on offshore vessels is developed with experience made from fishery and the thinking of fishermen force us to think afresh when constructing vessels for them.

“Acquiring MMC Tendos last year, gives Havyard much greater opportunities to develop and deliver good products to the fishing fleet in Norway and internationally. We see great opportunities to develop new, more competitive products based on competence and utilization of the synergies between the two companies. Our customers can buy anything from singular products and sytems from MMC to complete vessels from Havyard.

It is fantastic to be allowed to construct the ‘New Smaragd’ for these good and competent local shipowners. We are looking forward to show and name the ‘New Smaragd’ in Fosnavåg, and we are looking forward to the party in the new hotel in Fosnavåg during the spring of 2015“, Bakke says.

Key data Havyard 535 “New Smaragd”:

  • Length: 74 m
  • Breadth: 15.8 m
  • Cargo hold: 2100 m3

Havyard, March 22, 2013