Poland’s Port of Gdynia looks into hydrogen use

Poland’s Port of Gdynia looks into hydrogen use


The Port of Gdynia Authority, terminals, and Gdynia are considering the use of hydrogen and the creation of a hydrogen hub.

Courtesy of Port of Gdynia
Poland’s Port of Gdynia looks into hydrogen use
Courtesy of Port of Gdynia

The Polish port hosted a conference devoted to fuel and energy transformation. The participant included representatives of terminals operating at the port and Gdynia City Hall. It also included suppliers of low- and zero-emission fuels, suppliers of alternative fuels production technology, etc.

The Port of Gdynia Authority said it has intensified work on the development of hydrogen technologies. Moreover, it initiated H2 hub creation. Specifically, its goal is to be in accordance with the EU climate goals, thus working for the energy transformation in Poland.

According to its president Jacek Sadaj, the port authority wants to implement the idea of a “green port”.  The city is also planning to introduce hydrogen city transport and a water tram, reported the deputy mayor Katarzyna Gruszecka-Spychała.

Jan Jarmakowski, president of Hutchison Port Gdynia (GCT), announced that the terminal plans to replace or modernise diesel-powered cranes.

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As of 2024, the port will not be fulfilling orders for terminal equipment using fossil fuels. The plan is to include the project of using green fuel in the cycle of future investments.

In addition, the HES Gdynia terminal said that the HES group adopted a strategy to reduce CO2 emissions by 25 per cent. One of the initiatives to support this strategy is hydrogen issues.

Gdynia Maritime Office controls the implementation of all necessary laws and regulations that support the development of a green economy.