SmartBay Ireland hunts for test site business developer

Business & Finance

SmartBay Ireland is recruiting for Business Development and Projects Coordinator to bring in new projects to the SmartBay marine and renewable energy test site.

The scope of work for the position includes developing new projects and opportunities for the test site, located in the Galway Bay, through industry research, client engagement and promotion.

The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining a pipeline of companies and researchers interested in utilizing the test site.

The role will require the preparation and submission of funding proposals and the coordination, management and delivery of research and development projects.

The position will be based in SmartBay’s Galway office at the Marine Institute, in Oranmore, Galway, and the closing date for applications is set for June 14, 2017.

SmartBay Ireland is a non-profit company, established by the Marine Institute and the third level sector, to support the management and promotion of the SmartBay marine and renewable energy test site for the trial and validation of ocean energy devices and marine sensors.