Solstad scores renewables trifecta


Norwegian vessel owner Solstad Offshore has secured contracts within the renewable energy sector for three of its subsea construction support vessels (CSVs). 

Solstad Offshore

Normand Cutter is in charge of carrying out a 110-day firm contract for a cable project in Northern Europe. Work is set to commence this month.

Normand Australis won a 150-day firm contract for walk-to-work services on an undisclosed offshore wind project in Asia. The contract will commence this March.

Similarly, Normand Fortress has been allocated a 180-day firm contract for walk-to-work services on an offshore wind project in Northern Europe. Activities will commence in April 2023.

The three contracts have a combined value of approximately NOK 175 million.

Earlier this month, Solstad Offshore also won contracts for four other subsea CSVs for projects in the North Sea, Brazil and West Africa.

Normand Maximus, Normand Frontier, Normand Pioneer and Normand Navigator will be utilised for a firm period of 640 days, with additional options thereafter.

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