TGS scores new OBN contracts

Business Developments & Projects

Norwegian seismic player TGS has teamed up with CGG, the French geophysical services company, to carry out the acquisition and imaging of a dense ocean bottom node (OBN) multi-client seismic survey in the Balder and Ringhorne areas of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

Illustration (Courtesy of TGS)

The acquisition is slated to commence in April 2023, with final processed deliverables expected to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2024.

TGS informed that it will be the operator throughout the acquisition phase.

“With this latest OBN survey, we continue our ongoing commitment to support our customers with the data they need to maximize the longevity of their production activities and discover new hydrocarbon reserves in mature areas. This acquisition project will further cement our leading position in delivering high-quality, multi-client OBN data to the industry,” said Kristian Johansen, Chief Executive Officer at TGS.

According to TGS, CGG will apply its proprietary OBN processing and imaging technology, including time-lag full-waveform inversion, to create a high-quality 3D volume that will enhance the resolution and structural definition of the complex geology and reservoirs in the region.

“CGG is pleased to partner with TGS to deliver this new OBN survey to meet strong industry demand for high-definition seismic data in this region. Clients continue to recognize the value of our advanced OBN imaging technology and expertise and the resulting data will support continued exploration and development in this mature, and very prolific part of NCS,” added Sophie Zurquiyah, CEO at CGG.

The Heimdal Terrace OBN survey, located directly north of the Utsira OBN survey in the North Sea, will cover an additional 500 square kilometer area under receivers (AUR) to increase the contiguous multi-client OBN coverage in the region to 3,778 square kilometers AUR. 

The survey area spans a mature part of the North Sea, including the Balder and Ringhorne fields, the Iving/Evra and Enniberg discoveries, and surrounding infrastructure-led exploration (ILX) areas for potential tiebacks to existing infrastructure.

TGS has won a contract to conduct a proprietary sparse OBN survey in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

The survey is expected to last for approximately 100 days with a mobilization slated for the second quarter of 2023.

Earlier this month, TGS signed a letter of authorization (LOA) to carry out a proprietary 4D OBN survey in Walker Ridge canyon in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

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