Top news, March 13 – 19, 2017

Business & Finance

Tidal Energy Today has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from March 13 – 19, 2017.

Atlantis plans to harness French tides

Atlantis Resources has made the first step to enter the French tidal market through the signing of a cooperation agreement with the French specialist marine engineering company Innosea. Atlantis is preparing an industrial plan to enter the French tidal market, with immediate aspirations to develop the first tidal array sites in French tidal races such as the Raz Blanchard site in Normandy.

Tidal Sails obtains permit for full-scale tidal pilot

Tidal Sails has secured a permit for a 4.4MW tidal energy pilot project set for deployment off Norway. The permit allows the Norwegian tidal energy developer to proceed with the scheduled 2018 full-scale pilot project in the Kvalsund Strait, near Hammerfest, off Norway.

SeaQurrent ‘flies’ its tidal kite

SeaQurrent has conducted the first tests on its ‘multi wing’ tidal kite technology at the MARIN research institute in the Netherlands. Youri Wentzel, CEO of SeaQurrent, said the results from the tests were encouraging, and that the technology is expected to be ready in 2019.

Marinerg-i set to boost offshore renewable energy

Testing infrastructures across Europe have come together in an EU-funded marinerg-i initiative to form an integrated approach for delivering tidal, wave, and offshore wind projects. The €2 million marinerg-i project aims to develop both scientific and business plans addressing governance, legal, financial and strategic issues related to offshore renewable energy.

WES awards £7.5M for three wave energy projects

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) has selected three technologies to go forward to the third stage of its power take-off (PTO) development program. The award recipients are Artemis Intelligent Power, University of Edinburgh, and Umbra Cuscinetti with each receiving approximately £2.5 million for the projects involving 15 organizations across Scotland.

Tidal Energy Today