UK government committed to Wave Hub

Authorities & Government

UK Ministers have reaffirmed their support for Wave Hub, a test site that aims to accelerate and support the development of offshore renewable energy technology, Wave Hub’s press release reads.

Wave Hub is owned by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) UK.

It provides shared offshore infrastructure for the demonstration and proving of offshore renewable energy technologies.

BIS Minister Matthew Hancock said: “The UK is a global leader in wave technology and I look forward to Wave Hub leading the charge from Cornwall.”

Wave Hub consists of an electrical hub on the seabed 16 km off the north coast of Cornwall in South West England.

The hub is connected to the UK grid. It has 30 MW of export capacity, that can be upgraded to 48 MW.

Claire Gibson, Managing Director of Wave Hub Ltd, said: “This is a vote of confidence in Wave Hub and the critical role we play supporting the wave energy sector. We are working with Government and relevant organizations, such as the ORE Catapult, to deliver the Government’s long term aims and consider what wider services could add further value to the existing benefits of Wave Hub.”

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Image: Wave Hub