VIDEO: Kleven Splashes ‘Olympic Nike’

Business & Finance

Norway’s Kleven Verft has launched Olympic Shipping’s future subsea vessel “Olympic Nike”.

Back in May 2014, Olympic Shipping entered into a new contract with Kleven Verft for building of an Inspection Maintenance Repair (IMR) vessel with MT6021 MK2 design.

The MK2 design is a further development of the MT 6021 design. The investment was approximately 450 million ($75.5 million), and delivery of the vessel is scheduled for June this year.

According to specifications, the vessel will be equipped with an offshore crane, ROV hangars, and with accommodation capacity for 80 persons.

The sister-vessel, build number 371, with OCV MT 6021 design ‘Oympic Bibby’, has been signed to a contract with Bibby Offshore for 3 years with options for an additional 3 years.

Olympic Shipping contracted Kleven to build the vessel in January 2014.

The contract value is around NOK 400 million, and the vessel is scheduled to be delivered from Kleven Verft in March 2015.


Subsea World News Staff; Video: Jan Einar Saunes