EWP chases China’s waves

Business & Finance

Eco Wave Power (EWP) has signed a collaboration agreement with a Chinese company to deliver wave energy projects across China.

Namely, the Israeli wave energy developer informed on its social media that it will collaborate with an unnamed Chinese nuclear company for the construction of 400MW of wave energy power stations in China.

The collaboration was inked today on September 5, 2017, during Israel-China Clean-Tech Business Seminar by EWP’s Marketing Director Anna Li.

Present at the signing ceremony were Ze’ev Elkin, Minister of Environmental Protection of Israel; Ophir Gore, Head of Trade and Investment Mission Embassy of Israel in Beijing; and Zou Shoumin, Director of the Department of Science, Technology & Standard from the Ministry of the Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China.

To remind, EWP established a Chinese subsidiary in 2014, named Suzhou Eco Wave Power Technology, to exploit the opportunities for the development of wave energy projects in China.

Also, in 2015 Suzhou Eco Wave Power Technology received approval from the Chinese government for the construction of 100kW wave power plant in Zoushan island in Zhejiang Province.

EWP’s wave energy technology uses buoys that are attached by robust arms to any type of structure, such as breakwaters, piers, jetties, floating barriers, poles, and fixed platforms.

The energy is produced when the waves cause the buoys to move up and down, driving a hydraulic piston to deliver high kinetic pressure to an onshore generator which generates electricity.