GasLog’s LNG newbuild starts gas trials

Image courtesy of GasLog

Liquefied natural gas shipper GasLog said its newbuild HN2274 is starting gas trials at the Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard in South Korea. 

The vessel capable of transporting 180,000 cubic meters of the chilled fuel completed sea trials earlier this month.

GasLog noted in its brief statement through its social media channels that the gas trials are scheduled for completion on April 14.

To be named Gaslog Whales, the vessel features GTT’s Mark III Flex Plus containment system and low-pressure two-stroke (X-DF) propulsion.

The delivery of the vessel is expected in the second quarter of 2020 when it will start its charter contract with a unit of the Japanese LNG import giant JERA.

GasLog further pointed out that it also has the SN2213 under construction at SHI. The vessel to be named GasLog Windsor completed its sea trials at the start of February, with delivery expected next month.

GasLog Windsor, powered by a low-pressure dual-fuel engine, is capable of transporting 180,000 cubic meters of the chilled fuel and upon delivery will be chartered to Pioneer Shipping Limited, a unit of UK-based Centrica.