HYDS links up with px Group to increase use of green hydrogen in the Nordics

Business Developments & Projects

Norwegian developer of green hydrogen plants Hydrogen Solutions (HYDS) and UK-based infrastructure solutions business px Group have developed a partnership that will seek to accelerate the energy transition through the development of low-carbon, renewable fuels and power.

Kaupanes Hydrogen plant. Courtesy of HYDS

The strategic partnership will initially focus on the Nordic region with future expansion planned throughout Europe and beyond.

This is the second strategic development in the hydrogen space for px Group acquired a majority stake in Lifte H2, the German hydrogen engineering solutions business, in April 2024. Meanwhile, HYDS is already in the process of developing several new projects.

As part of the strategic collaboration, the two companies will seek to leverage their common strengths when they optimize the plant designs HYDS will use going forward and prepare for the operation of larger hydrogen production plants.

HYDS has several projects where this standard design will be used, with several of them already in the feasibility stage. Concrete agreements and announcements will announced shortly and the first final investment decisions (FIDs) are expected in the first half of 2025, the partners said.

“There is an imminent need for an integrated engineering and operating provider specialising in hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives, specifically in the Nordic region. We are now looking forward to taking on this role together with HYDS whilst also exploring further decarbonisation partnerships and development opportunities throughout the region,” Geoff Holmes, CEO of px Group, commented.

“We have already cooperated for more than a year, during which we have noticed a set of common values, especially the joint focus on safety. Through our experience from developing, building and operating hydrogen production plants we foresee the need to secure capacity to handle balance of plant of our own projects. Additionally we realise the significance of this and the potential that gives us to develop, build and operate also for others, both within our countries and internationally,” Thor-Henrik W. Hagen, CEO of HYDS, stated.

In addition to multiple energy and infrastructure assets in the UK, px Group is already operating in Norway and is developing activities elsewhere in Europe, including the Netherlands, Germany, and the Nordics. HYDS operates Stord Hydrogen and Kaupanes Hydrogen, both in Norway.

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