Partners create advisory group for Eco Marine Power Research Institute


A number of shipping, maritime & technology professionals from several innovation-focused companies have agreed to join the Eco Marine Power Research Institute advisory group, Japan-based technology company Eco Marine Power (EMP) said.

The Aquarius Eco Ship - an Eco Marine Power Research Institute project. Courtesy of EMP

As informed, the group will focus on the exchange of ideas and solutions related to energy transition and shipping. It will also help guide further research into topics ranging from zero-emission ships to innovative energy-saving devices and strategies.

The Aquarius Eco Ship – an Eco Marine Power Research Institute project. Courtesy of EMP

In addition to EMP, the founding members of the group are the ADNOC Logistics and Services, ZEABORN Ship Management Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), StarBulk, The Furukawa Battery Company and Teramoto Iron Works. Other member companies from inside and outside shipping will also be sought and during the year; it is planned to expand the size of the group so that a broad range of views and ideas can be considered, according to EMP.

The primary aims of the group as agreed by the founding members are as follows:

  • to exchange ideas and information related to reducing vessel emissions, fuel consumption and improving the energy efficiency of ships;
  • to highlight topics and subject areas related to ship energy efficiency that should be investigated further;
  • to study technology-based and/or operational related solutions that could be utilized to facilitate the transition of the maritime sector towards decarbonisation;
  • to provide guidance to companies within the EMP Research Institute regarding future R&D and solution development projects;
  • and to look outside shipping for possible solutions that could be adapted for use on-board ships and to consider how solutions developed for shipping could be applied to other sectors and industries.

“We need to find new ways to tackle the challenges posed by increased regulatory requirements and decarbonisation targets – reduced crew complements are finding it increasingly difficult to cope using conventional methods, which have proven to be inadequate,” Ninad Sharad Mhatre, Deputy Managing Director at Zeaborn Ship Management (Singapore), commented.

“Zeaborn is committed to digitalization and seeks to work with like-minded partners, to find innovative solutions through adoption of emerging technology – the end-goal is to make shipping efficient, safer and reduce our carbon foot-print.“

Group meetings and activities will be coordinated by the Chief Technology Officer at Eco Marine Power, Greg Atkinson, and the 1st online meeting is scheduled to be held within February.