Sander Roosjen, R&D Manager Koedood

VIDEO: Koedood about hydrogen boosting innovation


The possibilities of hydrogen as an energy carrier are creating a boost in innovation. Koedood Marine Group is researching how hydrogen can benefit the shipping industry. Sander Roosjen, research and development manager Koedood Marine Group: “We already have several clients that wish to implement hydrogen solutions on their newbuild vessels.”

Sander Roosjen, R&D Manager Koedood. Foto, Navingo

Hydrogen is a very small molecule that can be used as a sustainable fuel when it is produced with renewable energy. Koedood is researching hydrogen systems onboard of inland waterway vessels for already two years now. The company specialises in shipping, offshore, and industrial engines. To find the best solutions for their clients, Koedood extensively analyse every project. Because of the demand for sustainable solutions they look into new technologies like electrically and hydrogen powered ships.

The company cannot do that by itself. “We are looking for collaboration and partners in the whole supply and value chain of hydrogen”, says Roosjen. “There are some missing links in the chain at the moment. They are essential for the success of green hydrogen as sustainable fuel so we have to work together.”

Koedood is part of the Green Marine Area at Offshore Energy 2020. The main focus in this new area is collaboration together with sharing knowledge and innovations. Watch Sander Roosjen talking about hydrogen.

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