World Energy GH2 secures land approval for its green hydrogen project

Authorities & Government

Canadian renewable energy company World Energy GH2 has been granted approval of Crown land application by the province of Newfoundland and Labrador for its large-scale green hydrogen project – Project Nujio’qonik.

Illustration only; Archive. Courtesy of Port of Stephenville

The company said that the land approval marks its latest major achievement and propels Project Nujio’qonik forward on its path to becoming the first commercial-scale green hydrogen project in North America.

The project already owns the Port of Stephenville, which includes the land for the plant facility.

Project Nujio’qonik includes green hydrogen/ammonia production from 3+ GW of renewable electricity through wind projects on the west coast of the island portion of Newfoundland and Labrador. A 3+ GW wind farm is scheduled to deliver approximately 250,000 tons/year of hydrogen using 1.5 GW electrolysers starting in 2025, according to the company.

In addition to the two initial wind farm approvals, the Crown Land award includes two additional areas, for a total of 4GW of buildable wind farm areas in the immediate vicinity of the proposed plant site at the Port of Stephenville.

Namely, World Energy GH2 has secured Crown land approval for sites in Port au Port and the Anguille Mountains/Codroy area for the initial phases of the project, and has also gained approval for expansion sites in the Long Range Mountains and along the Burgeo Highway. The company will now begin a consultation and engagement process with communities in and near the future expansion site areas.

Crown land leases are contingent upon proponents completing the provincial Environmental Assessment process and Project Nujio’qonik is currently the only green hydrogen project in NL that has conducted required analysis and submitted an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the company said.

Sean Leet, Managing Director and CEO of World Energy GH2, commented: ” … The next major milestone for Project Nujio’qonik will be the province’s response to the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). We expect the province’s response this fall. We also look forward to further details from the federal government regarding the Clean Hydrogen Investment Tax Credit (ITC) coverage and Contracts for Difference (CFD) mechanisms required to stand up this new clean energy industry in Canada.”

John Risley, Chairman of World Energy GH2, said the Canada – Germany Hydrogen Alliance, signed in August 2022, continues to advance. “Last August, we hosted Prime Minister Trudeau and German Chancellor Scholz at our project site in Stephenville. One year later, Project Nujio’qonik is on track to help fulfil Canada’s green hydrogen commitments and to produce green hydrogen in 2025. Newfoundland and Labrador – and Canada – have the opportunity to become a global leader in the production, application and export of green energy. Let’s make it happen.”

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