Havila Shipping selling 2009-built subsea vessel

Havila Shipping selling 2009-built subsea vessel


Norwegian offshore vessel owner Havila Shipping has entered into an agreement with an undisclosed party to sell the subsea vessel Havila Phoenix.

Havila Shipping

The sale will take place when the existing contract for the vessel is completed, expected at the end of the fourth quarter of this year.

Havila Shipping will continue as manager for Havila Phoenix.

The company expects the sale transaction itself to have a limited impact on the income and liquidity position.

Havila Shipping selling 2009-built subsea vessel
Source: Havila Shipping

Havila Phoenix has been working for Nexans since last year. In March, Havila Shipping reported that it had entered into a new contract with Nexans for the vessel, firm until the end of October.

The subsea vessel previously served DeepOcen, since 2013, under a charter party with a firm period until May 2023 with further options.

However, the charter was terminated on 11 December 2020.

The 127.4-meter long subsea vessel, with accommodation for 140 persons, launched from Havyard Leirvik yard in 2009.

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