berge bulk

Berge Bulk to install wind propulsion system on its vessel

Business Developments & Projects

Singapore-based dry bulk owner Berge Bulk has decided to equip its Newcastlemax bulker with a wind-assisted propulsion system WindWings developed by Norwegian technology company Yara Marine Technologies and the UK-based marine engineering consultancy BAR Technologies.

Berge Olympus. Courtesy of Berge Bulk

As disclosed, the three companies have reached an agreement to install four BARTech WindWings by Yara Marine Technologies on board the 210 dwt bulk carrier Berge Olympus.

The large, solid wing sails on board the bulker will measure up to 50 metres in height and will be capable of reducing CO2 emissions by as much as 30% through a combination of wind propulsion and route optimisation, Berge Bulk explains.

WindWings will be installed on board Berge Bulk’s vessel in the second quarter of 2023.

“This partnership with BAR Tech and Yara Marine is a great step towards our transition to zero-emission operations. Preserving our planet’s resources is fundamental to Berge Bulk’s sustainability vision and goals“, said James Marshall, CEO of Berge Bulk.

By becoming an early adopter of wind-assisted propulsion technology, Berge Bulk intends to further bolster its commitment to the decarbonisation of the shipping industry’s decarbonisation journey.

John Cooper, CEO of BAR Technologies, commented on the agreement: “By retrofitting WindWings technology to existing vessels, firms like Berge Bulk can begin to make an immediate impact on decarbonising their fleets while at the same time seeing significant efficiencies in current fuel use. With Berge Bulk joining a pipeline of WindWings installations through 2023, we look forward to working with our partners to make significant inroads into reducing vessel carbon emissions.

To remind, Yara Marine partnered with BAR Tech to design and implement wind-assisted propulsion for the shipping industry in April last year.

A few months later, the solution received approval in principle (AiP) from the classification society DNV. The AiP examined the deployment and functionality of WindWings in operation, use in extreme weather conditions, and system redundancy.

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